Enhancing Digital modes with Node Red

For a couple of weeks now I’ve been playing with Node Red to add functionality to my digital mode applications.

To get to know how it all works I initially used Node Red to create a series of dash boards for my servers and virtual machines to show realtime information on CPU temperature, CPU load, memory usage and storage etc.

Node Red Flow to collect information from a virtual machine (VM)

This worked very well and I was soon able to generate the information I needed in a palatable format. This was a great way to get to know Node Red flow building and introduced me to using gauge and graph nodes in flows.

The resultant Node Red Dashboard for one of my Virtual Machines

Once I had mastered creating dashboards for servers/virtual machines (VMs) I then started to investigate using Node Red to plot data from WSJT-X on a map.

I currently use the PSKReporter website to see stations that I hear on a map as WSJT-X sends the data to the site automatically however, this information is always 5mins or more old. For some time I’ve been wanting to see the information realtime as it is received and so I was hoping to be able to achieve this via Node Red.

Node Red has nodes available for a multitude of applications all easily installed via the Manage Palette menu in the flow editor.

I installed the WSJT-X Decode and World-Map nodes and set about building a flow to capture the data and plot it on a world map.

Building a Node Red Flow to decode WSJT-X data and plot it on a World Map

Putting the building blocks of the flow together is fairly straight forward and easily achieved using the excellent flow editor built into Node Red.

I configured WSJT-X to make the decode data available via UDP on port 2237 and then started the flow by creating a UDP node that connects to WSJT-X using the same port. The data immediately started flowing and I could see the information via a debug node.

I can’t stress enough how useful debug nodes are in Node Red. You can add debug nodes onto any output on any other node to capture the data as it flows. This gives you the ability to check what you’re getting is what you expected and also to see the format the data is in. The debug data is displayed in the debug panel on the right of the flow editor in realtime and gives you a great view of what is going on in your flow.

I decided to start with capturing the data for stations calling CQ as this was easily identifiable in the JSON object coming out from WSJT-X.

Passing the output from the WSJT-X-Decode node into a switch node I added a rule that filtered out data containing “type: “cq” and passed it onto the next switch node that created a payload consisting of the station callsign, maidenhead grid square and type so that it could be passed onto the next node for processing.

The next node in the flow is a function, this is where it gets a bit tricky. To be able to plot data on the map we need the Lat/Lon coordinates of the station making the CQ call. Since WSJT-X uses maidenhead locator data I needed to convert this to Lat/Lon coordinates before passing the data to the map node to be plotted.

Since Node Red is written in Java all the functions have to be written in javascript. The problem here is that I am not a javascript programmer and so this meant I’d need to learn yet another programming language. Unfortunately Node Red doesn’t allow functions to be written in C, Rust, Go or Python, all languages that I know well and after retiring from over 40 years in the UNIX/Linux/IT world my enthusiasm for learning yet another programming language has wained somewhat.

Being so close to having a working solution I pressed on and after much head scratching I finally put together some javascript that converts the maidenhead locator information in to good old fashioned Lat/Lon coordinates. I’m sure a seasoned Javascript developer wouldn’t be impressed with my code but, it works and does what I need and so I’m happy with it for the time being.

WSJT-X FT8 stations calling CQ on the 60m Band plotted on a Node Red World Map

Once I had the location information converted it was just a matter of passing the data to the world map node in the correct format for it to be plotted realtime.

As you can see on the screenshot of the map above, it worked extremely well with stations popping up as they were decoded by WSJT-X.

I now need to refine the data sent to the map so that it shows the frequency the station is calling on, the time they made the CQ call and the mode (FT8/FT4 etc) being used.. I would also like to add the distance from my QTH to the station calling CQ to round the information off however, this will mean writing another javascript function which, I’m not sure I want to dive into just yet.

I also need to add into the mix stations that aren’t calling CQ but, who’s callsign and grid square are passed on from WSJT-X. This will mean I will then be able to add to the map those stations that are actively working other stations and maybe I might even be able to show a line between the two stations that are in QSO.

This has been a fun but, steep learning curve however, it will certainly add some great functionality into my radio room and enhance my radio HAM addiction even further.

More soon …

All night DX fest!

Having just completed building my new radio shack I thought what better way to break it in than to do an all night radio session chasing the DX.

All nighters aren’t anything new for me, I did many an all night session low band DXing when we lived in France (F5VKM). Back then I had a massive cellar, part of which was a very well fitted out radio shack. With some very large antennas in our field out back I was truly spoilt with some great times on the 160m band in the dark winter months.

Now back in the UK and only just getting back into the hobby after a long break things are somewhat different. I now only have a typical small UK garden and only vertical antennas. Better than no antennas though!

The new radio shack is small compared to my super spacious setup in France but, it’s perfectly formed with all facilities.

For my over night radio session I decided to use my trusty Yaesu FTDX10, it has the best receiver I’ve ever used and is built to withstand the long haul operation.

Antenna wise I decided to use my 30m band EFHW vertical that can be tuned on most bands from 80m and upwards. I use a CG3000 remote auto tuner to match this antenna to the 50 ohm coax feed and it does a great job.

Being comfortably setup in the shack I tuned up on the 30m band and had a listen to see what shape the band was in.

Stations heard on 30m 10/11-07-22

Using FT8 I worked a bunch of European, Russian/Asiatic Russian stations with ease, the band was in fairly good shape albeit localised around Europe and Russia. Wanting to work stations a little further afield I decided to move up on to the higher bands. 12m is a band I really like but, always seem to miss when it’s open.

Tuning up on the 12m band using the same vertical that I was just using on the 30m band the FT8 section was packed with signals. At last, I’ve tuned up on the band when it’s open!

I suddenly noticed Bobby, VP8ADR down in the Falkland Islands in the WSJTX waterfall and gave him a call. He had a fair few people calling him and so I joined the list. In no time at all Bobby answered my call and we exchange SNR reports of -8dB both ways. This was surprising as later on one of the FT8 Facebook groups Bobby stated he was using 200w into a Hexbeam during our QSO, I was only using a measly 18w into my Vertical, I would had expected a much lower SNR report. Clearly Bobby’s setup was doing all the work!

Right after the QSO with Bobby I immediately went on to work PY7ZC, LU8YD, PY2ATI, LW6EQC, PY2EBD and PY2THO all in quick succession. With the Falklands, Brazil and Argentina in the log so soon it was looking like it was going to be a fun packed night.

Next up on the waterfall was 9Y4DG in Trinidad and Tobago and 8P6ET in Barbados, two really nice locations to get into the log and new ones on 12m for me.

Having worked all the DX I could hear on 12m and not wanting to just spend hours working endless European stations I tuned down onto the 17m band using the same vertical antenna. This antenna really does work well on bands it’s not designed for.

First 3 stations in the log on 17m were all from Japan, JR3NZC, JQ6RUP and JA5BDZ. With all 3 stations being well on the way to 6000 miles away this was a good start. The propagation strangely swung to the west and I got YV5DRN from Venezuela in the log.

Not seeing any other stations that I wanted to work I retuned back onto 30m again and found it was open to South America and the Caribbean.

In no time at all I had YV4CLF in Venezuela, HK2AQ in Colombia, NP4TX and NP3XF in Puerto Rico and PY7ZC in Brazil all in the log.

Being in complete darkness I decided to tune down on to the 60m band, one of my favourites, to see if there was much going on. Sure enough there were a few stations active on the limited space available.

First station worked was a new one for me FP/KV1J on St. Pierre and Miquelon Island just off the coast of New Foundland. I have to admit I had no idea where this little island was and confess to having to look it up on google maps.

I then went on to work a few East Coast USA stations all with good SNR reports for this time of year.

Stations heard on the 60m band 11-07-22

Having worked all the notable DX on 60m I tuned back onto the 17m which was now wide open to the world.

I stayed on this band for the rest of the night well into the morning grey line and beyond working some great DX including some new ones for me.

I worked many East Coast USA stations but, stations of note were 6Y5HN in Jamaica and AK6R, K6EU and K6EI in California on the West Coast USA. It’s rare for me to get into the West Coast USA for some reason.

UA0SDX in Irkutsk Siberia was also a nice one to get in the log. This is a town I was going to be riding my motorcycle through on my Mongolian trip before COVID19 and the war in Ukraine broke out and stopped the trip from happening. More information about my motorcycle adventures can be found on my Feralmoto website.

It was good to get an Ozzy call in the log too, VK6EI on the West Coast of Australia came in at a strong -15dB SNR giving me a surprising -14dB SNR report, incredible considering I was using just 22w into my vertical antenna.

Well after sunrise the DX was still pouring in and I worked KL7TC in Fairbanks Alaska, a new one for me that made me very happy as I’d been trying to get into Alaska for some time but, never seemed to time it right. Today was my day!

Another station I was really pleased to get into the log was V31MA. I’ve tried to get a QSO with this station many times but, have never succeeded until today. I called for about 20mins and eventually got a reply putting a huge smile on my face. -16dB SNR sent and -19dB SNR received, I was happy that I finally have Belize in the log.

The last station worked was RA0FF way over on the far East Coast of Russia, the complete opposite direction to Belize. Located in Yu-Sakhalinsk right on the Russian coast opposite Japan and at 5270 miles, this is my longest distance Russian station worked so far and one I was very happy to have in the log. I always get good take off towards Russia whether it be directly east or over the North Pole to the far eastern parts of the Siberian wilderness.

I had a great night chasing the DX on the HF bands and being retired didn’t have to worry about going to work after such a long night. I highly recommend that you try an all nighter at least once in your HAM radio career, you get the opportunity to work stations that you’d normally not hear during the day time hours.

You can see the full list of stations worked on the over nighter on my WSJTX Log page.

More soon …

How low can you go?

Now that I’ve got my new radio shack up and running I decided to give my Icom IC-705 QRP rig an outing and see if I could work a distance of 2000 miles with 1w output.

This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while but, only being able to sit at the picnic table in the garden or in the summer wasn’t particularly conducive to a long stint on the radio.

Icom IC-705 wirelessly connected to my MacBook Pro

For this challenge I decided to use FT4 or FT8, whichever was active on the bands. This is a great mode for QRP operations and can get a tiny signal through when other more traditional modes fail.

I used both my EFHW vertical for 20m/10m and my EFHW vertical for 30m that can also be tuned on most of the other HF bands too. This gave me most of the HF bands for the challenge.

Initially I worked a lot of stations in the 600-700 mile range, conditions weren’t brilliant and there was a lot of deep QSB.

My first notable distance QSO was with YO4DG near Mangalia Romania at 1383 miles, this equates to 0.72mW/Mile, my lowest mW/Mile achievement up until this point.

Not long afterwards I saw SV8DCY on the WSJTX waterfall, I wasn’t sure if he’d hear me or not but, I gave a call. To my surprise he came back and became the longest distance QSO for a short time. At 1485 Miles to Kalloni Lesvos Island, Greece this equates to a new low of 0.67mW/Mile.

I then went on to work a bunch of stations in the 1000 miles or less range for a while as conditions on the bands were up and down. It’s amazing how many times I got an answer from a station only for them to disappear completely before the QSO was completed.

The next contact of note was with CU3HN in the Azores, 1713 Miles at 0.58mW/Mile, a new lowest mW/Mile record set. it’s amazing how far you can get a signal with such a tiny amount of power.

RV6F in the Stavropol region of Russia was the next big mile marker, 1932 miles at 0.51mW/Mile. It took a number of attempts to get the QSO to complete as we kept losing each other due to the deep QSB that was between us on the 20m band but, with a little patience and persaverance we eventually got the QSO to complete and it was in the log.

At this point I decided to switch over to the 10m band to see if it had opened up to more than just Europe. When I checked earlier there were only European stations being heard, most being well under 1000 miles. Sure enough the band had indeed opened up and I was hearing stations out to the east that were in excess of 2000 miles.

PSKReporter map showing signals heard on the 10m band

After tuning up and listening for a bit my first call was to RL9F in Perm Russia. This was the one that I’d been looking for, 2084 miles at 0.47mW/Mile this was the one that could complete the challenge.

After a few failed attempts due to deep QSB we eventually got a complete QSO in the log finishing the challenge.

2000 miles using 1w is a lot of fun, frustrating at times when you’re being heard by stations on the east coast USA but, none are answering your reply to their CQ calls.

PSKReporter has proven invaluable, being able to see who can hear you makes a big difference when trying to eek out the last mile when using next to no power.

In total 31 stations were worked over a 9 hour period, not huge numbers but, for many an M0AWS call sign isn’t exotic enough to answer and so many of my calls to stations were ignored. Sad really.

You can view all the log entries for the 2000 Mile 1 Watt challenge on my WSJTX Log.

So, what next? Well I guess it has to be 3000 miles or more using just 1w from my trusty Icom IC-705.

More soon …

An evening of FT8 on the 40m Band

I spent the evening/early morning trying some FT8 on the 40m band taking advantage of the grey line and night time propagation. It’s been a while since I’ve stayed up late to catch some DX on 40m and it brought back memories of the all nighters I used to do when I was on air as F5VKM in France.

The 40m band has always been one of my favourites, there’s always great DX to be had when the band is open and on the grey line the world really is your oyster.

I’ve always been a huge fan of CW on 40m, there are some great seasoned op’s on the band and it’s always a real pleasure to QSO with them on the key. This time I decided to see what could be achieved with FT8 and 22w of power from my Yaesu FTDX10, a combination that should give me global reach.

Setting up at just past 6pm on May 9th 2022 the band was already busy with European stations, lots of them! There was no room to squeeze in and call CQ, the FT8 section of the band was packed with signals filling the allocation completely with many calling over the top of each other.

I decided to take my normal stance of search and pounce to get the stations I want to work rather than just working the masses endlessly.

I initially worked a bunch of Russian stations ranging from 1200 to 2200 miles out, good distances were easily achievable even though we were still in full daylight.

My home-brew multi-band vertical antenna worked well on 40m

In amongst the throng of FT8 stations I spotted UN3P, Vladimir in Karaganda Kazakhstan, not a country I have worked a lot since getting back on air and at 3013 miles it’s a good distance to achieve on 40m whilst still in broad daylight.

I gave a call to his CQ and he came straight back with an SNR report of -20dB, I sent him a report of -12dB so there was some 8dB difference between us. Considering I was only using 22w of power in broad daylight I was happy with the report. Of course I’ve no idea how much power he was using but, my signal was 6.63mW/Mile, not the lowest I ever had but, not the biggest either.

I worked a bunch more RA9/UB9 stations in the 2000-3000 mile range and then started hearing the Australian stations on the early grey line. Initially their signals were suffering some deep QSB but, it wasn’t long until their signals were constant and stable.

All the stations that heard M0AWS 09/05/22 – 10/05/22 on 40m

Ian, VK3VDX in Victoria was the first station from Oz in the log at -19dB/-20dB, pretty even SNR reports. At 10451 miles it equates to 2.10mW/Mile.

Closely following was John, VK5PO in Mallala South Australia, much stronger signals this time at -10dB/-14dB, 2.19mW/mile over a total distance of 10028 miles.

VK5PO Mallala South Australia

As darkness replaced light the propagation swung west with east coast USA and Canadian stations dropping in to the East coast of the U.K.

John, VO1BE was the first north American station in the log with -1dB/+1dB SNR reports. To be +1dB in Canada with just 22w really is quite impressive. I’m guessing he has a very low background noise level.

I worked a bunch of East Coast USA stations and then PY2GZ popped up on the waterfall. From my QTH I have a clear view South East to South West across flat ground for miles and so it’s normally pretty easy to work stations in that zone and this evening was no different. First call was answered and -10dB/-17dB SNR reports were exchanged, 3.68mW/mile over 5965 miles.

My 14.81m tall home brew vertical works superbly on the 40m band with tuning handled by my CG3000 Remote Auto Tuner. This is actually my 30m band EFHW vertical antenna but, removing the 49:1 Unun and replacing it with the CG3000 has made this antenna much more versatile.

CG3000 Remote Auto Tuner connected to the 14.81m vertical antenna and ground system

The next station in the log was BG0BBB in Xinjiang China with -9dB/-18dB SNR reports exchanged. China is always a hard location for me to get into for some reason so, I was glad to get another Chinese HAM into the log.

BG0BBB Xinjiang China

As the propagation started to swing westerly I got 8P4JP in Bridgetown Barbados into the log. It took a few calls to get the exchange completed due to very deep QSB between us but, with some perseverance the contact was completed successfully and I had a new one in the log!

I continued to work a flurry of East Coast USA, Brazilian and Puerto Ricon stations one after the other until suddenly stations from the east started coming in again.

First from the east was Igor, 4L1FL from Tbilisi Georgia, another new one for me that somehow seems to escape me every time I come across Georgian stations on the bands.

4L1FL Tbilisi Georgia

UN7JO in Ust-Kamenogorsk Kazakhstan was loud with me at -5dB SNR although I only got -21dB SNR back, some 16dB difference across the path of 3386 Miles.

One station of particular interest was VY0MEL, Julien in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Northern Canada. This is the most northern Canadian station I’ve worked in a long time and it was great to get him in the log. His QRZ page is worth a read, he works at a mine in Nunavut on a 14 day rotation and so has a fair bit of time for HAM radio. Using just a dipole that is strung between two shipping containers and only 60cm above the snow in the centre he was a good signal at -19dB here in the U.K, especially considering he was still in broad daylight.

VY0MEL Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Northern Canada

Needless to say I had a fun filled evening/early morning on the 40m band, once again it didn’t disappoint and I got a couple of new countries in the log. I think the next late night will have to be a CW evening on 40m to see how well I do in comparison.

The full list of stations worked over 9th-10th May 2022 using FT8 on the 40m band can be viewed in my WSJT-X log in glorious technicolour with distances and mW/mile figures for every contact.

Map showing all FT4/FT8 stations worked up to 10/05/22 all bands

More soon …

160m Band NVIS Antenna Experiment

Following on from the 80m Band NVIS Antenna Experiment I spent some time using the same setup on the 160m band.

To recap, the NVIS antenna is a 30m long end-fed wire that is between 3 and 4m above the ground over it’s entire length. This is the longest wire I could get into my tiny U.K. garden and so I wanted to see what was really possible with such a low short wire on the low bands. My goal was to get good Inter-G signals so that I could chat with other U.K. and close European stations during the summer months. The tuning is done automatically by the CG3000 remote ATU I picked up very cheaply on Ebay.

Having very anti-antenna neighbours I have to tread carefully not to upset them as I have already rattled some cages having the 20m EFHW Vertical on an extending fibre glass pole at the end of the garden overlooking the farmers field.

The CG3000 remote ATU matches the 30m wire nicely on the 160m band with an SWR of less than 1.2:1 across the entire band with multiple retunes. It’s certainly very convenient to have such a setup.

Setting the power output on the radio to 25w which is the maximum I use for FT4/FT8 on the Yaesu FTDX10 I started WSJT-X and waited to see what I could hear. With the background noise swinging between S7-9 most of the time I was surprised at how many stations were being decoded. Some of the stations were barely visible on the waterfall but, I got consistent reliable decodes.

Stations heard during a 1 hour period on 160m NVIS Antenna Experiment

As you can see on the map above I was hearing stations from all over Europe and well into Russia. There certainly isn’t the proliferation of stations on the 160m band that there are on the 40m band but, there were enough for me to get some good results.

It was nice to reliably copy some U.K. stations on 160m FT8 even though I didn’t hear a single SSB station on the band.

Map showing stations that heard M0AWS on 160m during the NVIS Antenna Experiment

Over a period of about 3.5 hours I was heard by a good number of European stations but, wasn’t able to work all that I heard as I was struggling to compete with the much more powerful stations. Limiting my transmit power to 25w to protect the PA on the radio does tend to limit my success at getting through to stations at times but, I am a firm believer in being able to hear better than I can shout, especially on the low bands.

Map showing all stations worked during the 160m NVIS Antenna Experiment

Over the test period I didn’t work a huge number of stations but, I did manage to work stations over a large area of Europe with the best distance being 1004 Miles into Finland, much further than I ever thought would be possible with such a simple setup.

I’m sure that when the band is in better shape with lower noise levels and better propagation the antenna will post probably perform better but, it’s certainly proved it can do the short hop NVIS comms that I was looking for.

I have designed a new NVIS antenna for the garden which manages to incorporate considerably more wire into the same space that is resonant on the 80m band. With the CG3000 remote ATU it should tune up well on 40m-160m and give much better results. This design does require a 10m fibre glass expending pole which I need to purchase before I can erect it in the garden. I’ll get all the information for the design onto the Antenna section of the website soon.

So to summarise, a 30m end-fed wire at between 3 and 4m above the ground will give good NVIS results on 40m-160m with a very low visual impact. For those like me that have a small garden, a simple antenna like this is much better than no antenna at all.

More soon …

80m Band NVIS Antenna Experiment

Following on from my 40m band NVIS antenna experiment I ran the same series of tests on the 80m band to see how well the NVIS antenna works.

Being only 30m long the antenna isn’t very well suited to the low bands but, with the tiny garden we have here in the U.K. and the anti-antenna neighbours it’s the best I can do.

I started off looking for SSB contacts only to find no one on the band. I eventually found G8MNY calling CQ from Croydon south of London. He was a huge 5/9+20db with me so I was hopeful that he’d hear me.

Tuning up the antenna on 3.710Mhz and setting the O/P to 40w I gave him a call and got an immediate response. We ended up chatting for around 30mins with ease, the band wasn’t too noisy and Jon was running 400w so he was a solid signal with me. My 40w got me a 5/8 report which I was very happy with.

Once we cleared I tuned around the band and even called CQ a few times, but there was nothing to be heard.

I went and had something to eat and then returned to the shack before the greyline, the band was a little more lively and so I switched over to FT8 mode and started working stations.

Stations initially heard on FT8 whilst still in daylight

I was really quite surprised how many stations I could hear and make contact with even though I was still in daylight. The effect of the greyline really is quite pronounced.

Stations that heard me on FT8 whilst still in daylight

I was being heard by a good number of continental stations even though I was still in daylight. Signal strengths were good and I was soon working stations one after another with ease.

As the night drew closer and the U.K. moved into darkness stations further east started appearing on the WSJT-X window and I was surprised how many I was able to work considering how low and short the antenna is for this band.

German stations were always the strongest throughout the test which is to be expected with an NVIS antenna as they are just across the north sea as the crow flies.

Map showing all stations heard on FT8 during 80m NVIS antenna experiment

By the end of the evening I’d heard a good number of stations with the most distant being north of the Kazakhstan/Mongolian border as shown on the map above.

All stations that heard M0AWS on FT8 throughout the NVIS antenna experiment

I was pleasantly surprised at how many stations were hearing me throughout the test, getting as far south as the islands off the coast of north Africa and well into Russia was amazing for a horizontal antenna that is only 4m-5m above the ground.

Map of all stations worked during the 80m NVIS antenna experiment

The number of contacts was nowhere near as prolific as during the 40m experiment mainly due to the fact that the band wasn’t as busy however, the contact pattern was very similar to that on 40m with the most distant station being R2EA/P just south east of Moscow at 1544 miles.

European coverage was very good but, sadly I didn’t hear many U.K. stations and so I’m not sure how well my Inter-G coverage will be. Perhaps another test during the day when conditions are better will shed some more light on this.

Overall I’m very happy with the antenna performance on the 80m band, it’ll certainly be ideal for European chat during the summer months and hopefully inter-G will be good too.

Next will be a test on 160m, this could be interesting!

More soon …

Simple EFHW vertical on 20m works great!

I completed the fine tuning of the 20m EFHW Vertical today, I got the SWR down to 1:1 at 14.10 Mhz. This gives me a perfect match for the CW and digital section of the band with the SSB part of the band not exceeding 1.4:1 at 14.350.

I ended up removing 34.5cm of wire from the original antenna length to get the resonance where I wanted it. This was caused mainly by the extra inductance added into the circuit by the 49:1 Unun. This is to be expected and perfectly normal when feeding an antenna via an impedance matching transformer.

I bolted the 49:1 Unun directly to the earth rod, this way it’s got a solid earth connected directly to it to keep the resistance to a minimum. (The metal mounting plate is also the earth termination point).

49:1 Unun mounted on earth rod directly

I spent some time today chasing the DX on the 20m band using the FT8 digital mode.

The fun started with VK2LAW in Sydney Australia, followed by E25ETT in Thailand, KP4CAR in Puerto Rico, 9G5AR in Accra Ghana and The Sahrawi Amateur Radio Club station S01WS in Western Sahara. A nice mix of stations dotted around the world.

PSKReporter map showing all the stations that I heard on 20m today

I like to keep an eye on the PSKReporter site whilst on air to see what I’m hearing. As you can see I heard stations from the West Coast USA right across to New South Wales in Australia and down south as far as Brazil. The 20m EFHW Vertical antenna and Yaesu FTDX10 radio combination really does have good ears

As for being heard, well it’s a similar story, below is a map showing all the stations that heard me as reported on the PSKReporter website.

Stations that heard M0AWS on 20m FT8

One again, great global coverage from the antenna and transceiver combo with only 20w being used for most contacts. (25w used to break some of the pileups!)

Overall I’m really pleased with the performance of the antenna, for such a simple design it works exceedingly well. One huge advantage of a half wave over a quarter wave antenna is that the point of max current is 50% along the antenna’s length, on the 20m band EFHW Vertical this puts it some 5m above the ground lowering the angle of take off and making it a great DX antenna.

If you’ve not got a lot of space but, want to work the DX on 20m then I highly recommend you give one a try, I’m sure you’ll be amazed at how well it performs.

Can’t wait to get a 40m EFHW Inverted L up next!

Information as to why it’s best to keep the feed point at ground level for this antenna is here.

More soon …

20m EFHW Vertical + 49:1 Unun = DX

My 49:1 Unun arrived from UK Antennas today, lost no time getting it into the garden and connected to the 20m EFHW Vertical antenna.

49:1 Unun from UK Antennas

I’m really pleased with the 49:1 Unun, really nicely put together and packaged professionally, great to get such a nice British made product!

Connecting the Unun up to the antenna I found that it added a little extra inductance I hadn’t planned for and so I needed to shorten the vertical wire a little to compensate.

Tuning the 20m EFHW Vertical

It took 3 snips of wire to get the antenna resonant in the 20m band again, with an SWR of 1.3:1 and the sun starting to set I decided that was fine for now and I’ll fine tune it tomorrow in the daylight. (See end of article for update)

Heading into the shack the 20m band was buzzing, lots of big signals and DX. I switched on to the 10m band and checked the SWR there, 1:1 across most of the band, perfect!

I then went on to check the 15m band, now I wasn’t expecting a match as it shouldn’t resonate there but, I found a 2:1 SWR across the band, weird!

So back on 20m, I plugged in the MacBook Pro and started WSJT-X in FT8 mode to see what was around.

20m EFHW Vertical at the end of the garden

First contact was into Canada, VE2FVV with a -10 report both ways and 2962 miles, not bad for 20w.

I then worked a flurry of stations from the USA but, the one I was really pleased with was PP1WW in Brazil. 5610 Miles using just 20w, this EFHW vertical really does has a lovely low angle of radiation.

PP1WW was the last station worked as it was dark by this time and the band closed. It was interesting to watch the PSKReporter site to see where I was being heard.

Stations that heard M0AWs on 20m

As you can see from the PSKReporter screenshot above, I was heard pretty much all over the world. I saw a number of VK stations in Australia pop up on FT8 but, never managed to get an answer back from any of them even though they reported hearing me on the PSKReporter site.

I was also pleased with the number of stations that I heard, once again good global coverage.

Stations heard by M0AWS on 20m

Band conditions are generally poor at the moment and we’re in a bad part of the 11 year sunspot cycle. Hopefully in the coming years propagation will improve and we’ll be able to work the world on just a couple of milliwatts!

I also tuned up onto the 10m band and heard quite a few FT8 stations on there, I was surprised as I wasn’t expecting the band to be open.

So tomorrow, I need to fine tune the antenna for the 20m band and get the SWR down to 1:1, hopefully this won’t affect the 10m band tuning too much.

Once the 12m Spiderpoles are back in stock I’ll get one ordered and build the 40m EFHW Inverted L that I’ve designed, I’m hoping it will open up the 40m/20/15/10m bands for some DXing over the summer months.

UPDATE: I ended up snipping off a total of 34.5cm of wire to get the SWR 1:1 at 14.100Mhz. This makes the entire 20m band useable with the SWR less than 1.5:1 at each end of the band. 2nd contact after trimming the wire was VK2LAW at 10454 Miles using just 25w of power.

Information as to why it’s best to keep the feed point at ground level for this antenna is here.

More soon …

Fun evening on 30m FT8

I spent yesterday evening on the 30m band running WSJT-X in FT8 mode whilst getting to know the new radio. I must say I am impressed with the Yaesu FTDX10, the receiver really is extremely good at pulling out the weakest of stations.

WSJT-X in FT8 mode running on my MacBook Pro

I have a very simple setup at the moment, just the one antenna for 30m currently so I don’t have a lot of bands available. Hopefully this will change in the coming months as I work on building a new multi band antenna for the station.

I’m still getting to know WSJT-X and FT8, it’s a new mode for me and quite different to how things were 15 years ago when I was last active.

With a little perseverance I soon got the hang of it and was working stations with ease. I’m very much a wait and pounce type DXer, so my QSO turn over is low but, I get the stations I want to work rather than just a multitude of European stations who are all on my doorstep.

It was interesting to watch the band conditions change as the grey line moved across the Atlantic. One by one countries further west started popping up on the band.

30m FT8 Early Evening view

At 18:00GMT PSKReporter was showing mainly the multitude of European stations running FT8 on 30m with the Azore and Canary Islands starting to appear along with a couple of stations from the East Coast USA.

30m FT8 19:00GMT

As the grey line continued west more and more DX stations started to appear including a station in South Africa. I worked a bunch of stations in the Ukraine and Russia and then started picking off the stations in the USA one by one.

30m FT8 all stations heard (Screenshot taken next day)

By the end of the evening there were stations from South America and the Caribbean coming through. I spent over an hour trying to work CO8LY in Cuba, he was coming in at -10dB at my end but, sadly he never heard my 15w signal. I did try splitting the RX and TX frequency in WSJT-X so that my signal was to the side of the pileup but alas I never got through. Later in the evening I found CO8LY calling CQ over and over but, once again he never heard my replies. A real shame as it’s rare to hear Cuba over here on the East Coast of the U.K.

At 22:30GMT I closed the station down and headed to bed, I didn’t work a huge number of stations but, I had a lot of fun chasing the ones I wanted to get.

It’s interesting to note that the closest stations worked was 800 miles away, I think that is the first hop for my 30m Delta Loop Antenna. With the antenna being so quiet on receive and the FTDX10 having such a good receiver, it was very easy to pick out the stations 2000 miles or more away from my QTH. Most of the time I was able to exchange signal reports with stations that I called. It’s impressive to be able to exchange reports with stations that are -18dB or more below the noise level.

RUMlogNG List of stations worked on 30m FT8 mode

It was nice to get into Lebanon and Israel, two countries that have always been difficult to get into from my U.K. QTH.

A total of 20 stations worked, not a huge count but, it gave me some time to get used to the radio and it’s settings.

I also had a tune around 40m, the FT8 section was packed with stations from all over the world. I can’t wait to get onto 40m, it’s one of my favourite bands and I’m hoping to be able to work some good DX with QRP power levels.

I also listened on 80m and 160m, both were very active with mainly European stations on FT8 and SSB.

With my roll of coax arriving today I’l spend some time putting together a new coaxial run to the antenna and start working on an LC tuning unit for the new vertical I’m designing.

More soon …

First time on air in 15 years!

I had a fun couple of hours this afternoon. I found my 30m band Delta Loop antenna packed away in the loft, got it out and put it up in the garden, 1.2:1 SWR across the band and I was soon listening to Morse conversations on the band.

WSJT-X FT8 mode on the 30m Band

Connecting my MacBook Pro to the Yaesu FTDX10 I soon had WSJT-X FT8 mode running and started working a few stations. I found I needed to reduce the output from the Apple MacBook so that the ALC on the radio barely moved, this tidied up the transmitted signal and ensured I wasn’t splattering. Setting the radio O/P to 10w my first contact was into Cyprus, followed by a couple of contacts into Ukraine.

One thing I did notice was how strong many of the signals were. I’m sure some operators are using huge power levels on the FT8 part of the band with some of the signals +10db or more over S9. FT8 is supposed to be a weak signal mode, there really is no need for huge power levels. The funny thing is, many of these high powered stations are heard by DX stations but, they don’t hear the them coming back to them, classic case of shouting louder than they can hear. There really is no point being heard if your station isn’t capable of hearing the replies coming back.

I’d forgotten how good my Delta Loop antennas are, super quiet on receive and great for finding weak signals on the band.

I checked the PSK Reporter site to see where I’d been heard and was pleasantly surprised to see I was heard in Australia! I did call an Australian station but, never got a reply from him, so it was great to get confirmation that my signal was making the trip.

PSK Reporter showing where my signal was heard

Due to the direction of my garden the antenna is beaming north west / south east, long path to Australia. It’s amazing how 10w of RF can cover almost 9000 miles!

So what next?

Well, I need to purchase some coaxial cable as the bits I have from France have gone stiff/brittle and really are past their shelf life.

I also need to buy some wire to start making some antennas. I’m going to put together a top loaded vertical for the 160/80/40m bands and some delta loops for the higher bands.

I’m also going to make some end fed half wave verticals for 20m and upwards.

Lots to do, if only the weather would improve!

More soon …