JS8 Logs now online

I’ve now added my JS8/JS8CALL logs to the website for both QRO (25w Max) and QRP (<10w) QSOs.

The JS8 logs are available from the Logs menu above.

I’ve updated the adi2html program to now be capable of processing the JS8CALL log file and will be releasing it into the public domain soon.

M0AWS QRP JS8 Online Log

More soon …

How to make a webpage from your WSJT-X log file

Map showing all M0AWS FT4/8 contacts

I’ve had a few messages of late asking how I generate my WSJT-X log web pages for my website. The answer is pretty simple, I use a little BASH script that I started writing some time back and have gradually improved over the last few months.

If you have a PC running Linux or a RaspberryPi running any of the normal Debian/Ubuntu/Redhat/Fedora based Linux distro’s that are available today then, this script should work just fine.

I originally wrote this program using Python but, a friend of mine bet me that I couldn’t write it in BASH and so, I took up the challenge and this is the result. It’s pretty simple and uses all the normal UNIX command line goodies like grep, sed and awk.

The script also uses WWL to calculate the distance between two Maidenhead locator grid squares and so it’s important to have it installed before running the script. (The script checks for it at runtime and will exit if it is not installed!). You can install WWL using your package manager on your Linux distro or from the command line directly. Details are in the READ-ME.txt file.

Screen grab from my M0AWS WSJT-X Log web page

It’s important that you READ the READ-ME.txt included in the zip file before trying to run any of the scripts included as it details the variables that you need to enter values for to make the script run on your PC/Server. (Example entries are in place as supplied).

The variables are mainly just paths to files on your system and whether you want distances calculated in miles or kilometres. Other than that there’s nothing else required for it to run.

I’ve also included details on how to run the script automatically from a crontab so that your webpage can be updated automatically every few minutes/hours etc.

The script also includes code to add a PNG map file into the generated webpage so that there is a graphical representation of all your QSOs. The map isn’t generated by the script (something I need to add in the coming few months) so you’ll need to generate it yourself and then add it to the website either via the crontab script included in the zip file or manually.

I use the QSOMap website to generate my map image files and then have them uploaded to my web server via the crontab script.

The script processes 100 entries per second on my web server (Headless virtual machine running Ubuntu Server 64bit Edition) and so should be pretty fast on most PCs. It will run somewhat slower on a RaspberryPi so be patient!

You can download the script and associated information using the button below.

If you do use my script please send me a link to your website so that I can take a look at your log file.

More soon …

An evening of FT8 on the 40m Band

I spent the evening/early morning trying some FT8 on the 40m band taking advantage of the grey line and night time propagation. It’s been a while since I’ve stayed up late to catch some DX on 40m and it brought back memories of the all nighters I used to do when I was on air as F5VKM in France.

The 40m band has always been one of my favourites, there’s always great DX to be had when the band is open and on the grey line the world really is your oyster.

I’ve always been a huge fan of CW on 40m, there are some great seasoned op’s on the band and it’s always a real pleasure to QSO with them on the key. This time I decided to see what could be achieved with FT8 and 22w of power from my Yaesu FTDX10, a combination that should give me global reach.

Setting up at just past 6pm on May 9th 2022 the band was already busy with European stations, lots of them! There was no room to squeeze in and call CQ, the FT8 section of the band was packed with signals filling the allocation completely with many calling over the top of each other.

I decided to take my normal stance of search and pounce to get the stations I want to work rather than just working the masses endlessly.

I initially worked a bunch of Russian stations ranging from 1200 to 2200 miles out, good distances were easily achievable even though we were still in full daylight.

My home-brew multi-band vertical antenna worked well on 40m

In amongst the throng of FT8 stations I spotted UN3P, Vladimir in Karaganda Kazakhstan, not a country I have worked a lot since getting back on air and at 3013 miles it’s a good distance to achieve on 40m whilst still in broad daylight.

I gave a call to his CQ and he came straight back with an SNR report of -20dB, I sent him a report of -12dB so there was some 8dB difference between us. Considering I was only using 22w of power in broad daylight I was happy with the report. Of course I’ve no idea how much power he was using but, my signal was 6.63mW/Mile, not the lowest I ever had but, not the biggest either.

I worked a bunch more RA9/UB9 stations in the 2000-3000 mile range and then started hearing the Australian stations on the early grey line. Initially their signals were suffering some deep QSB but, it wasn’t long until their signals were constant and stable.

All the stations that heard M0AWS 09/05/22 – 10/05/22 on 40m

Ian, VK3VDX in Victoria was the first station from Oz in the log at -19dB/-20dB, pretty even SNR reports. At 10451 miles it equates to 2.10mW/Mile.

Closely following was John, VK5PO in Mallala South Australia, much stronger signals this time at -10dB/-14dB, 2.19mW/mile over a total distance of 10028 miles.

VK5PO Mallala South Australia

As darkness replaced light the propagation swung west with east coast USA and Canadian stations dropping in to the East coast of the U.K.

John, VO1BE was the first north American station in the log with -1dB/+1dB SNR reports. To be +1dB in Canada with just 22w really is quite impressive. I’m guessing he has a very low background noise level.

I worked a bunch of East Coast USA stations and then PY2GZ popped up on the waterfall. From my QTH I have a clear view South East to South West across flat ground for miles and so it’s normally pretty easy to work stations in that zone and this evening was no different. First call was answered and -10dB/-17dB SNR reports were exchanged, 3.68mW/mile over 5965 miles.

My 14.81m tall home brew vertical works superbly on the 40m band with tuning handled by my CG3000 Remote Auto Tuner. This is actually my 30m band EFHW vertical antenna but, removing the 49:1 Unun and replacing it with the CG3000 has made this antenna much more versatile.

CG3000 Remote Auto Tuner connected to the 14.81m vertical antenna and ground system

The next station in the log was BG0BBB in Xinjiang China with -9dB/-18dB SNR reports exchanged. China is always a hard location for me to get into for some reason so, I was glad to get another Chinese HAM into the log.

BG0BBB Xinjiang China

As the propagation started to swing westerly I got 8P4JP in Bridgetown Barbados into the log. It took a few calls to get the exchange completed due to very deep QSB between us but, with some perseverance the contact was completed successfully and I had a new one in the log!

I continued to work a flurry of East Coast USA, Brazilian and Puerto Ricon stations one after the other until suddenly stations from the east started coming in again.

First from the east was Igor, 4L1FL from Tbilisi Georgia, another new one for me that somehow seems to escape me every time I come across Georgian stations on the bands.

4L1FL Tbilisi Georgia

UN7JO in Ust-Kamenogorsk Kazakhstan was loud with me at -5dB SNR although I only got -21dB SNR back, some 16dB difference across the path of 3386 Miles.

One station of particular interest was VY0MEL, Julien in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Northern Canada. This is the most northern Canadian station I’ve worked in a long time and it was great to get him in the log. His QRZ page is worth a read, he works at a mine in Nunavut on a 14 day rotation and so has a fair bit of time for HAM radio. Using just a dipole that is strung between two shipping containers and only 60cm above the snow in the centre he was a good signal at -19dB here in the U.K, especially considering he was still in broad daylight.

VY0MEL Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Northern Canada

Needless to say I had a fun filled evening/early morning on the 40m band, once again it didn’t disappoint and I got a couple of new countries in the log. I think the next late night will have to be a CW evening on 40m to see how well I do in comparison.

The full list of stations worked over 9th-10th May 2022 using FT8 on the 40m band can be viewed in my WSJT-X log in glorious technicolour with distances and mW/mile figures for every contact.

Map showing all FT4/FT8 stations worked up to 10/05/22 all bands

More soon …

Searching the WSJT-X log whilst on air

searchwsjtxlog v0.4 showing search for partial callsign

Being a UNIX/Linux command line guy I’m not a fan of a lot of these GUI based logging programs that are full of functionality I’ll never use. I currently have RumLogNG for the MacBook Pro but, I really don’t like it. It does many things I don’t need and not the things I really need when on air.

So I decided to write a bunch of command line based programs that do exactly what I want with minimal fuss. The first of these programs was adi2html, a simple program that converts the WSJT-X ADI log file into HTML so I can easily put it on my website.

I’ve now written a new program using the same BASH shell technique to allow me to search the WSJT-X log file quickly and easily whilst on air.

searchwsjtxlog is a simple little shell script that searches for either a full or partial callsign and presents the results instantly. I use this script a lot when working FT4/8 as I can see if I’ve worked a station before and on what bands easily and quickly.

The script works on Linux and MacOS Big Sur (Not got Monterey to test but, should work fine). If you find a bug please let me know and I’ll fix it as soon as possible.

Note: Since MacOS uses such an old version of the BASH it cannot handle spaces in the path to the wsjtx_log.adi file. On MacOS you’ll need to create a softlink to the file and then put the path to the soft link into the script for it to work properly. CD into the directory where you have saved the searchwsjtxlog.sh file and then run the following command:

ln -s /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application\ Support/WSJT-X/wsjtx_log.adi ./wsjtx_log.adi

Make sure you replace YOURUSERNAME with your MacOS username. The command is all on one line and not on two lines as shown above.

You can download v0.4 of searchwsjtxlog using the link below.

More soon …

adi2html v0.6 release

Following on from the adi2html v0.5 release I’ve now added a little more code to include a map of the contacts detailed in the wsjtx_log.adi file so that there is a visual representation of the data included in the webpage. (Map must be generated externally and JPEG/GIF/PNG uploaded to website to be included in the webpage).

See my WSJT-X log here

Just to recap, adi2html generates a HTML webpage from the wsjtx_log.adi file so that the log can be presented in a palatable format on a website.

As before the code can be downloaded using the link below.

If you use my code please consider leaving the footer in place so I get some credit, thanks!

adi2html v0.5 release

Following on from my original article where I detailed the adi2html Bash script that reads in the WSJT-X log and creates an HTML version of the data so that it can be presented in a palatable format on websites (See my WSJT-X log here), I’ve now released v0.5 for public consumption.

In adi2html v0.5 I’ve added colour to the webpage that is generated to make it easier on the eyes and rewritten the function process_log() so that it uses the column name to identify each field instead of the row position.

By making this change it should cope just fine if the order of the fields is ever altered in the WSJT-X log during its development.

As before the code can be downloaded using the link below.

If you use my code please consider leaving the footer in place so I get some credit, thanks!