Searching the WSJT-X log whilst on air

searchwsjtxlog v0.4 showing search for partial callsign

Being a UNIX/Linux command line guy I’m not a fan of a lot of these GUI based logging programs that are full of functionality I’ll never use. I currently have RumLogNG for the MacBook Pro but, I really don’t like it. It does many things I don’t need and not the things I really need when on air.

So I decided to write a bunch of command line based programs that do exactly what I want with minimal fuss. The first of these programs was adi2html, a simple program that converts the WSJT-X ADI log file into HTML so I can easily put it on my website.

I’ve now written a new program using the same BASH shell technique to allow me to search the WSJT-X log file quickly and easily whilst on air.

searchwsjtxlog is a simple little shell script that searches for either a full or partial callsign and presents the results instantly. I use this script a lot when working FT4/8 as I can see if I’ve worked a station before and on what bands easily and quickly.

The script works on Linux and MacOS Big Sur (Not got Monterey to test but, should work fine). If you find a bug please let me know and I’ll fix it as soon as possible.

Note: Since MacOS uses such an old version of the BASH it cannot handle spaces in the path to the wsjtx_log.adi file. On MacOS you’ll need to create a softlink to the file and then put the path to the soft link into the script for it to work properly. CD into the directory where you have saved the file and then run the following command:

ln -s /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Application\ Support/WSJT-X/wsjtx_log.adi ./wsjtx_log.adi

Make sure you replace YOURUSERNAME with your MacOS username. The command is all on one line and not on two lines as shown above.

You can download v0.4 of searchwsjtxlog using the link below.

More soon …