adi2html v0.5 release

Following on from my original article where I detailed the adi2html Bash script that reads in the WSJT-X log and creates an HTML version of the data so that it can be presented in a palatable format on websites (See my WSJT-X log here), I’ve now released v0.5 for public consumption.

In adi2html v0.5 I’ve added colour to the webpage that is generated to make it easier on the eyes and rewritten the function process_log() so that it uses the column name to identify each field instead of the row position.

By making this change it should cope just fine if the order of the fields is ever altered in the WSJT-X log during its development.

As before the code can be downloaded using the link below.

If you use my code please consider leaving the footer in place so I get some credit, thanks!

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