M0AWS Private Search now online!

After writing an article on how to “Build your own Search Engine” I thought it would be great to share the facility of being able to search the internet without being profiled, adverts constantly being rammed in your face or having your data sold to 3rd parties without your knowledge.

To make this happen I organised a dedicated SSL Certificate for the search engine, set up the service to use HTTPS for end-to-end encryption and configured the system for public access to the internet.

The system doesn’t log any search information at all, you can search for whatever you want safe in the knowledge that the system has no record of what you are looking for. Every search made uses a new unique ID and so you cannot be traced through browser information or any other information such as your IP Address, it’s about as private as you can get these days!

https://search.m0aws.co.uk/ is now live and available for everyone to use day and night from anywhere in the world.

It’s also accessible via the “Private Search” menu option at the top of the website.

This has been a fun project to build and I hope it is of use to many of my regular readers.

More soon …