WSPR update

For the last 24hrs I’ve had the RaspberryPi2 transmitting WSPR on 20m and 10m connected to my EFHW Vertical antenna. So far not a single spot on the 10m band, I’m assuming the band hasn’t opened in the UK over the test period.

WSPR 20m band reports over the last 24hrs

Results on 20m continue to impress with reports from the USA, West Africa coast and as far east as Georgia.

I’ll check the signal on 10m later today using my IC705 to ensure it is transmitting ok and then will leave it running for another 24hrs to see what happens.


It appears there’s been a reliable opening on both 10m and 20m to the Canary Islands just off the west coast of Africa so far today.

The last 48hrs looks like this:

10mW WSPR from M0AWS JO02QC on 10m and 20m bands

More soon …