Free Great Circle Azimuthal Map

I don’t know about you but, when I’m in the garden erecting antennas I find it hard to work out which way I need to orient the antennas to get the DX I want to work. This is especially true with Delta Loop directional antennas.

I remembered that when I lived in France I had a lovely Great Circle Azimuthal Map on the wall in the radio shack showing the world as viewed from space directly above my QTH in Brittany, this would be ideal for my U.K. QTH too.

Hunting on the internet I soon found the site where I got it from, N6NT has a wonderful little website full of handy little widgets, one of which is the Great Circle Azimuthal Map Generator.

M0AWS Great Circle Map

The map is generated in PDF format and can be downloaded and printed locally.

I hope this snippet of info will be of use to some of my readers, it’s certainly very handy for me!

More soon …