New radio shack almost complete

Over the last couple of weeks my wife and I have been busy converting part of my old motorcycle workshop into my new radio shack.

To save money we’ve custom built the desk ourselves using timber from a local supplier. I’ve done all the 240v power and lighting installation with a dedicated feed from the main distribution panel in the house.

Custom building the desk gives us a huge advantage in that it allows us to maximise usage of the available space. Using 10mm sterling board covered with 10mm plywood makes the desk solid enough to sit on whilst fitting all the power sockets.

Bennie overseeing the project

We used a good quality padded vinyl flooring for the desk covering as it allowed us to cover the desk area in one continuous piece. It was challenging to get all the cuts in the right place and get it glued down without it moving but, with a little care and patience we got it done. We’re both really pleased with the results!

I’ve just got to install some cable management and shelving to complete the project but, overall I’m really pleased with the new radio shack. I’m looking forward to the winter low band DXing season!

The new M0AWS Radio Shack

More soon …