Add Node Names to SHARI AllstarLink Announcements

This is more of an aide memoire for myself more than anything but, may be useful to anyone who is using a SHARI powered AllStarLink node.

Out the box the SHARI build as documented here and here uses node numbers in announcements when connecting/disconnecting. The information in this article will change this so that the announcements use the node callsigns instead of node numbers.

As user repeater, login to the RaspberryPi that the SHARI is connected too via SSH and run the following commands:

1: Edit /usr/sbin/write-node-callsigns and change SRCDIR to point to /var/www/html/allmon2

# 28/08/24 - M0AWS - Changed path to point to allmon2

2: Copy the astb.txt file into the necessary directory:

sudo cp /var/hdd.log/asterisk/astdb.txt /var/www/html/allmon2

3: Run the programme to create the sound files. (This will run for some time on a RaspberryPi 3b)

sudo /usr/sbin/write-node-callsigns

4: Once all the sounds files have been created, connect to another node and you should now get node name announcements instead of node numbers ….

More soon …